Healthy Business

Independent GNLD Family Health Group
Dr David and Heide Body
71 Klooflands Road, Kloof 3610
KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

+27 (0)31 764 1014     
+27 (0)83 534 1458
email: drbody(at)healthybusiness(dot)co(dot)za

GNLD GR2 Weight Control Programme

Staying slim with GNLD’s GR2 Weight Control Programme ...


GNLD's effective GR2 weight control programme

After years of intensive research and clinical trials with eager human volunteers, GNLD launched the amazing GR2 weight control programme.  

It's been extremely successful around the world, helping people not only reduce their size, but also bringing considerable health improvements to those with high blood pressure, arthritis, and diabetes.

Read all about it...

You can read all about the weight control programme, as well as some inspiring success stories, at GNLD's dedicated website

And there's lots of info about the programme, how it works, as well as the individual products, on our product website... so pay us a visit, and get in shape for the summer (and autumn, winter, spring, too!).


our blog...

There's info about the individual products of the GNLD GR2 weight control range, and how the programme works, on our product blog

And please use the comment box to let us know what you think about the products, ask any questions, or suggest useful stuff. Thanks.

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